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Wiccan Spells

Updated on October 1, 2008

Wiccan Spells

Wiccan Spells

The most important thing to remember when creating Wiccan spells is that you will only get out of your spell what you put into it.  The more you believe the greater the power your spell will have.

To understand more, read below...

The second vital thing to remember is that a spell is a personal thing, like meditation or prayer and there are not “right” and “wrong” ways to creating spells.  If it feels natural to you, trust that feeling because you, your goals, your beliefs and the ways you practice those beliefs are entirely up to you.

Here are a few thoughts to help you create Wiccan spells.

Be positive.  Be Honest.  Be of Pure intent.

Negative energies will always block your spells.  So it is vital to Wiccan spells and rituals to have reasonably selfless goals.

Words have power.  Sound has power.  Rhythm is a wonderful way to focus your thoughts and strengthen your spells, which is why so many poems can be used as spells.  For example the long version of the Wiccan Rede as written by Gardner’s priestess Doreen Valiente.  However you do not need to be poet to create Wiccan spells.  Basic incantations like “Goddess Bless and Goddess Be, for all you’ve given I thank thee, will help you to center yourself as your prepare your spell.  Try reciting a simple incantation like one above to yourself in sets of three.  Three sets of three has a very natural balance.

Focus on your thoughts and your breathing as your recite your incantation.  You may choose to say your incantation aloud but you may prefer to simply recite your chosen incantation in your mind.  However, you feel most comfortable is the best way.

A purging of negative emotions

Sometimes the world gets to the best of us, at such times taken a few moments to purge yourself of negative emotions can help you center and relax, flooded with positive thoughts and feelings.

Although performing Wiccan spells outdoors, in nature, is ideal, it is not always possible to escape from the weight of society.  If you can, find a private place outdoors where you won’t be disturbed.  If you are working indoors, be sure to clear a space for yourself free of worldly clutter.  Try to create a “sacred” space that exists specifically for this moment, it will help you to release your regular burdens and focus on the task at hand.  

Relax in a sacred space.  Sit down with your legs folded, forearm resting gently between mid thigh and knee, palms up. Keep your back straight, head up.  Close your eyes.  Breath deeply.  Imagine yourself to be in contact with the earth, visualize a root system leading up from the world into you, feeding its strength to you.

Imagine your spine to be a faintly glowing column of energy.  A you breath in, this light expands into the shadows of your body, growing out from the spine to fill you with delicate golden light.  As you breath out, the light recedes back toward the spine.  With every breath more of the “light” reaches more of your body.  Count ten breathes, if you loose track, simply start again, focusing on the light flooding you from within.
As you move this light though your body, direct it, help it seek out the darkest place within you and fill them with this central light.  Keep your head up, breath slowly.  
Continue to count back from ten.  Continue to breath according to the same pattern.  By the time you reach one again you should feel within a golden light within you, warming every last bit of you, healing your daily stresses, absolving silly concerns, in short repairing the parts of yourself you loose as you go through life.  

Try simple Wiccan spells like this one to keep yourself centered and focused in life.  

If you are curious to learn more about Witchcraft, Wicca visit:

Or go straight to 3 FREE SPELLS to test run some simple, and no less powerful spells for free - and if you want to know the key to successful magickal work - it's about 'believing to the point of seeing it' as your reality now.


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